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Christianity's Rise in Korea

Perhaps a third of South Korea's 48 million people call themselves Christian. That's more than the number who subscribe to the traditional belief systems, Buddhism and Confucianism, combined. Just a century ago, there were almost no Christians in Korea. Scholars cannot recall anywhere, at least in recent history, that a faith has spread so quickly. It could have much to do with Christianity's role in Korea's recent history. The first missionaries, American Presbyterians, arrived in Korea in the late 1800s. They became closely allied with Korea's battle for independent from Japanese rule. They also built an impressive legacy. They established junior high, college, medical facilities, and they evangelized the noble families. So when we were still under Japanese, those intelligentsia, they linked that believing in Jesus Christ is equal to working for Korea's liberation movement. For many, it's not hard to believe in miracles. South Korea, ravaged by war a half-century ago, has achieved living standards equal to some European Union nations, notes Pastor Chong Gil Hong. REV. CHONG GIL HONG (through translator): When I was young, Korea's GDP at the time was the same as Congo, and I could never imagine Korea as an industrialized country. It is just a miracle. Yes, I believe. When we were hopeless, the Western missionaries came and they introduced us to the hope in Jesus Christ. So we have a very holy obligation to share this hope in Jesus Christ with those people who are still in their misery.

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